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Reading Time: 1 Minutes 29.09.2022 Currents & Trends

The systematic processing of a complaint according to the 8D methodology is described in the automotive industry standards. The problem-solving process is documented in the 8D report. More and more OEMs are demanding that this report should also include a self-evaluation of the complaint processed in accordance with 8D and are now submitting their evaluation catalogs accordingly. Version Q15.1 of CASQ-it CMEA – our CAQ complaints management software module – offers you the opportunity to import an evaluation catalog and perform the self-evaluation within this module.

Self-evaluation criteria in CASQ-it CMEA
The evaluation catalogs are divided into two categories: The basic requirements and the criteria for achieving the status of “Excellent”. Typically, the self-evaluation runs according to higher-level criteria – individually for each separate 8D step.


Template system for customer-specific evaluation catalogs
The VDA Guideline on the 8D process contains a complete evaluation catalog. This, however, is regarded by many customers as merely being a template on which to base their own catalogs. Therefore, CASQ-it CMEA offers you the option of creating additional catalogs that allow you to react quickly to individual customer requirements. Screenshot 2 shows you how to create and modify evaluation catalogs.


Template generator

Use the template generator to create new evaluation catalogs that contain questions and the evaluations for each individual point, structured according to the criteria D1 to D8. You can also define your own individual criteria. If you have received the self-evaluation catalog as an Excel list, you can import it into Excel, fill it out and export it again as an Excel file and then forward it directly to the customer. Alternatively, you can create a PDF.


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