Target-oriented service needs direct communications that get straight to the heart of the matter. Fast, competent and solution-oriented. And that is when it is important to speak the same language. Just like when you talk to us about CAQ issues.
We are a team of technicians, engineers and quality specialists in whom over 30,000 CASQ-it users have already placed their trust. And why? Because we work for them as a team – when it comes to service and in close cooperation with our customers.
At Böhme & Weihs, customer service and project management are the two company divisions with the largest number of employees. That clearly shows where our focus lies: on you, as our partner; on delivering to you the highest-possible benefit; on your unconditional satisfaction.
At Böhme & Weihs, the constant support and optimization of your processes is most definitely at the center of all our activities. When it comes to service, we think across departmental barriers to include all the corporate resources available to us – bundling all our energy to focus on you so that we can react quickly to your requirements in a target-oriented manner.
Service from Böhme & Weihs: We are committed to quality.