Improve the efficiency and transparency of your audit process: Thanks to new functionality, our quality management software CASQ-it now optimizes the process for preparing and evaluating your audits.
Requirements catalogs and relevances simplified audit preparation
The requirements contained in the standards always refer to management systems in their entirety. However, these requirements do not all apply to every single system process to the same degree. On the contrary, only a subset of the requirements is relevant to each individual process, whereby one and the same subset may apply to several different processes at the same time – for example, to all your manufacturing processes.
CASQ-it AUDIT’s new “Relevance” function now enables these subsets to be assigned to one or more processes. For audit managers, this represents a significant gain in convenience and transparency as they no longer have to select the requirements that apply to their audits from the complete set of requirements, but instead can specifically access those subsets that contain the requirements that are of relevance to them, and which only have to be predefined once in advance. If several different audits are to be conducted for a single process during an audit cycle , the system will flag relevant requirements that have already been checked. Finally, a Completeness Check – based on the foregoing procedure – will then provide a visual check of whether all the relevant requirements have been examined for each individual process during the audit cycle. As a result, using the latest enhanced CASQ-it functionality will enable you to improve the efficiency of your whole audit management process.